i also did some background stuff because i saw the site on a laptop that was set at 1600 x 1200. i didn’t like how empty the right hand side felt so off to photoshop i went. you’ll mostly see the new stuff once you hit 1152 (although it’s probably best starting at 1280) and you’ll obviously see more if you set your res higher. not that it’s anything you haven’t seen before.
Category Archives: Uncategorized
three years ago and now
sam, the pixel man, is here to share
for old times sake
random design a01 + s01
i am bored.
that is all.
sights on south broad
new design am wearing
well, here’s the new design. truth be told, there was quite a struggle for a few weeks but everything finally came together. it almost seemed wrong to put all those white lines in a collage that looked that so organic but it ended up working out in the long run. now, time to take a break.